Table of Contents


Do you know the puffin man…img credit

Giving playtesters access to the playground…. A bold move.

They have gone boldly where none have gone boldly before

Two can play at that game.

Playtester woz 'ere

Reading the resources page. Does anyone have wood for sheep? (Hey, SOMEONE was going to do it.)

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I'm not late to the playtest nope not me wheeeeee *races through the pages*

Communal bad meme stockpile (gif warning)

survival tips courtesy of the yahoo answers service

OK, so the outlook's bad folks. We /probably/ (?) don't have enough shelter, we're going to rapidly deplete the supplies of food, and we're already violently at each other's throats. We won't make it past the third week without some wisdom, some sage and knowledgeable guidance … so let's check out the Yahoo Answers service to see what pearls of insight we can turn alchemy-like, into wisdom about what we should be doing (wikihow wasn't funny enough).

DO YOU SEE! DO YOU SEE! VANESSA AGREES WITH ME EVEN IF Y'ALL DON'T *Phoebe flounces off into a gorse thicket*

Wide range of insightful comments here, but I'd like to highlight gell1981's troubling riddle, and also request Sally that at least one PC/NPC be renamed 'Blood Lust'. Either in play or retcon, am fine w/either.

GAH! We forgot the one rule of wilderness survival!

the shipwreck comment reminds me of one of the questions we get from ignorant punters when re-enacting: “Why did you guys build so many ruined castles?”

Fauna of the Island

Bees 🐝

What's happened to the bees? Have you seen a bee? Think about it.

 SEB gained a point of STRESS.

What Do We Do With All The Ghosts 👻

what do we do with the ghosts. we seem to have a veritable wealth of them, and i for one do not want to be spooked by an apparition!

So I Noticed Nobody Has Named The Island Yet

Any suggestions?

Here, I'll go first.

 This is canon, btw.

Stevie called the island within the island Arden

William is calling the island we haven't been to yet Skull Island

I (this is Leah btw, in case this wasn't patently obvious :P!) have been thinking of it as 'Tempest Island' - a bit boring, but it sounds vaguely piratical, the sort of phantom island that might be vaguely sketched out in the corner of an old yellowing map. Phoebe thinks of it alternately as 'here' or around '57°N and somewhere in GMT' (though actually it should be possible to work out our rough latitude, if the Sun is where we think it is).

Hello, alt-text.

The font used in the logo is Avojaloin, incidentally, and is available free here:

Gilligan Meme!

We have a slightly larger cast than Gilligan's island, but when has that ever stopped a meme? Please fill in the blanks:

Ginger: Daphne
Mary Ann: Phoebe?
The Professor (there might have to be a mud-wrestling match for this one):
Thurston Howell III:
Lovey: Alice D

I can't help noticing that there is no shipping forecast, and yet this is the first game with an actual ship.


Nautical Themed Speculation Regarding Credible/Incredible Interpersonal Associations Of A Romantic Nature

Everytime someone says Communal Pot:

aaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you for that Seb I will not be able to exorcise this pun from my brain any time I say this in future. - Leah 'the conflagration quirk means you're constantly blazing it, right?' O.

Once again I regret not taking the quirk Luxury Item (+1): Big Bag o' Weed I did, or its analogue—didn't you wonder how Stevie manages to be so chirpy?

There's always medicinal herbs. - S

Dr Feelgood is open for business! (am I the only one old enough to have played this game?) -J Nope, it still exists


apologies to Band vs Band Comix (which is very good and you should read it)

how we all feel about the new Gerda

Turnsheet 6 results:

what is 'Lamina Wetters' an anagram for?

Sally? Sally? I am scared now. :S -LO

(Aside: I like to think that Winter could have been pretty metal. - SA)
(It's the brummie-ness. Unrelatedly: - CC2)