Table of Contents


The following quirks represent particular qualities your character has. Most quirks are either positive or negative. Positive quirks are helpful, and can be invoked (if appropriate) during turnsheeting to help you out. Conversely, negative quirks will crop up at the least convenient time to hinder you.

You start with 2 points to spend on positive quirks. You may gain up to 4 additional points to spend on positive quirks by taking an equal number of points worth of negative quirks.

Quirks may sometimes be gained or lost during play. A quirk may only be taken once unless marked with an ampersand (&)

If you would like aspect of your character's background to provide some kind of tangible effect in-game, you should represent it with a quirk.

Playstyle Quirks

Social Quirks

Situational Quirks

Stress Quirks

Personal Quirks

1) Please note that this should be a fear your character experiences. Given its likelihood of becoming relevant, you will probably wish to avoid linking this to any OC phobias.