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The following quirks represent particular qualities your character has. Most quirks are either positive or negative. Positive quirks are helpful, and can be invoked (if appropriate) during turnsheeting to help you out. Conversely, negative quirks will crop up at the least convenient time to hinder you.

You start with 2 points to spend on positive quirks. You may gain up to 4 additional points to spend on positive quirks by taking an equal number of points worth of negative quirks.

Quirks may sometimes be gained or lost during play. A quirk may only be taken once unless marked with an ampersand (&)

If you would like aspect of your character's background to provide some kind of tangible effect in-game, you should represent it with a quirk.

Playstyle Quirks

  • Hit Me Harder (0) Taking this quirk indicates that you wish to play the game on hard mode. You wish your encounters with new dangers to be more dangerous, and possibly more dramatic; you accept that it is slightly easier for your character to have an epic death or to come away from a fight with more injuries.
  • Reckless/Careful (0) Take this quirk to give the GM team a suggestion for how your character may act during ambiguous situations during turnsheeting. These cost nothing, but you may only pick one of them.

Social Quirks

  • Enemy (-1) (&) There is an NPC crew member or passenger who doesn't like you. Give us a description of the sort of person you'd like this to be, and/or the situation that provoked the enmity, and we'll match this to someone who fits.
  • Ally (+1) (&) There's an NPC crew member or passenger who sorta likes you. Give us a description of the sort of person you'd like this to be, and/or the situation that provoked the amity, and we'll match this to someone who fits.
  • Dependant (-1) You are travelling with a person who looks to you for support - perhaps they are elderly, or little more than a child. While the crew will take care of most of this person's basic needs, their reliance upon you in certain situations may make your life difficult. Please note that your dependant should not be below 10 years of age.
  • Ship's Cat (+1/-1) …not just a cat. You have a pet, or have some other animal companion. The positive version is helpful, and the negative version is, well…less so.
  • Rumours (+1/-1) There are…rumours about you. Please specify the sort of thing you would like.

Situational Quirks

  • Niche Skill (+2) You have a skill, like beekeeping or crochet, which might come in handy. It should be noted that this does not function as an additional talent, but rather, as a fringe ability which can occasionally help you out. Please specify the sort of thing you would like.
  • The War (+1/-1) (Can be taken as positive, negative or both) Perhaps you fought in the War, perhaps you were especially close to it for other reasons. Either way, it has had a profound effect upon you - let us know your story and the sort of effects you would like.
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (-2) You have an unfortunate habit of asking what could possibly go wrong. This seldom ends well for you.
  • Dark Secret (-1) Something happened in the past that you'd rather keep hidden. Please specify the sort of thing you would like.

Stress Quirks

  • Fragile (-1) You're more likely to get sick, or suffer other negative physical status effects. Incompatible with the Resilient quirk.
  • Anxious (-1) You're more likely to suffer negative emotional effects. Incompatible with the Unphased quirk.
  • Resilient (+1) You're less likely to get sick, or suffer other negative physical status effects. Incompatible with the Fragile quirk.
  • Unphased (+1) You're less likely to suffer negative emotional effects. Incompatible with the Anxious quirk.
  • Reliant (-1) You rely on something to help get you through the day (medication, spectacles, comfort blanket, fave book, locket with hair of beloved). This item has gone missing.
  • Pampered (-2) You have expensive tastes. On top of those specified on the Stress page, you have additional conditions to satisfy if you want to avoid extra Stress - we'll give you some indication of these when we confirm your character.

Personal Quirks

  • Luxury Goods (+1) (&) You have some fancy thing that survived the shipwreck. Please specify.
  • I'm Glad I Packed This (+2) An item with actually practical use like a compass, a firelighter, a magnifying glass, a pair of binoculars, or a flick-knife. Certain items (e.g. guns) are a little too practical - we'll let you know if you need to adjust your choices.
  • Eww, nature (-1) You don't get on well with the natural world. Maybe you're a tick magnet, maybe you get mobbed by birds from time to time. This won't directly lead to Stress, but will sometimes make life on a deserted island difficult.
  • Phobia (-1) An irrational fear of a physical thing, situation or concept you might plausibly encounter on the island. Please specify.1)
  • Deep sleeper (+1 and -1) You find it relatively easy to get a good night's sleep. Of course, this also means you're the last person to wake up in a crisis…. This counts as taking both a positive and negative quirk.
  • Sink like a stone (-1) Most people can swim, or at least float. You just sink. It might be best to stay away from water. Incompatible with the Swimming talent.
  • Letters (+1/-1) You have some correspondence from a loved one. This may help you through the dark times or make you intensely aware of what you have lost….
  • Vice (-1) You have something you absolutely must indulge in. Be it a habit or some kind of consumable, you will go out of your way to satisfy your craving where possible, even if it would be inconvenient to do so.
1) Please note that this should be a fear your character experiences. Given its likelihood of becoming relevant, you will probably wish to avoid linking this to any OC phobias.
quirks.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/17 23:31 by gm_sally