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Where and When

Sessions will be held in the Massey Room at Balliol College every Monday during Trinity term. This is a ground floor room with a small step. If you have any specific accessibility requirements, please feel free to let us know - we will do all we can to assist.

Sessions will run from 7:30pm to 10:00pm. Please be prepared to quickly vacate the room we are using at the end of session. We are unfortunately prohibited from bringing any food or drink into the Massey Room, with the exception of water.

The first session is on Monday 24th April. Please arrive at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. This will be an IC session; there will be no character generation session.

Massey Room

(With thanks to Leah for the map!)

where_and_when.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/17 23:27 by gm_sally